1.0.2 12-01-04 Bugfix * class.tx_ttnewsmarker.php: array_shift was used without a check, if the parameter is in array Thanks to Sven Fink for the code snippet 1.0.1 11-05-19 New features * Handling for internal and external links was added Thanks to Stefan Kroecher for the code snippet * Values of system markers are stored in TypoScript registers Thanks to Krystian Szymukowicz for the code snippet 1.0.0 10-02-20 Maintenance * Changed status to stable Corporate Design * Moving from think visually to die netzmacher 0.1.2 09-03-01 Bugfix * There was a PHP warning, if the extension hasn't any TS configuration. 0.1.1 09-03-01 Development * New tt_news code: LATEST_ONLY_WITH_ITEMS 0.0.5 09-02-09 Maintenance * Update the manual 0.0.3 09-01-20 Initial release of ttnews_marker * ttnews_href_marker is obsolete now 0.0.1 09-01-18 Initial release of ttnews_href_marker Dirk Wildt